John flew away from his home on Bedford Farm on Sunday, making his owner Shirley Lindefjeld, just sick with worry. He landed on the farm of Judy Richter who put the beautiful bird in a stall for safe-keeping.
"I assumed the worst. That a coyote got him," Lindefjeld said. "Thank goodness for my neighbor Rachel Klein who saw this Daily Voice notice. And thank goodness for my friend Judy Richter - who is just the kindest woman I know - to corner and house him safely."
Richter was thrilled that Daily Voice had been able to help her find John's owner: "Please tell everyone the peacock's owner saw your notice and picked him up," she said. "Thank you so much. You're a great resource for us."
John and Jay are of the Blue Shoulder breed which makes for their "very beautiful colors," she added. They came from a breeder in Wisconsin, who is a friend of Lindefjeld's.
"He drove them out from Wisconsin to our farm 3 years ago. Now they each have a peahen mate so we’re hoping for babies," she added.
Lindefjeld said the birds usually don’t fly so far unless they’re scared by something.
"My guess is that a predator came up and scared them both," she added. "Jay was crying out for John for two nights keeping everyone up at the farm."
Richter is thrilled she was able to save the bird and find the owner: "She was almost crying with joy when she found him."
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